Monday 24 September 2018

Media Language - Use of the Camera

Basic camera shots:

Extreme long shot (ELS) - A shot taken at a distance, usually taken to establish the location or scenery. 

Long shot - A shot that shows the person's whole body, while also showing their surroundings.

Mid shot - A shot taken from the waist and above, while also showing the person's surroundings. 

Two Shot - A shot taken of two people, which shows their relationship and surroundings.

Close up - A shot taken from the shoulders and above.

Point of view - A shot taken from a person's point of view.

Extreme close up - A shot taken from up close, usually of a person's eyes to help show emotions.

Basic camera movements:

Tracking (in / out) - The person moves away from or towards the camera while the person holding the camera moves in the same direction. This can be taken using a dolly.

Sideways tracking (crab) - The person walks in one direction with the camera moving at the side in the same direction as them. 

Tilt (up / down) - The camera moves up or down.

Zoom - The shot gets closer without the camera physically moving towards anything.

Arc - The camera moves around he person, from one side to the other.

Crane - The camera is put onto a crane, and the shot is taken from high above.

Panning - Taking a panoramic shot of a scene by only moving the camera from one side to the other, without moving your body.

Basic camera angles:

Over the shoulder - A shot taken of a scene from over a person's shoulder.

High angle - A shot taken from a high angle.

Low angle - A shot taken from a low angle.

Tuesday 18 September 2018

The Media and Me

The Media and Me

The radio has changed and developed majorly over the years, including my experience with it. I used to listen to the radio while I was in the car when I was younger, however now we tend to play music through our phones as there is much more choice in what you get to listen to. My grandparents still listen to the radio in the background when they are at home, but they use it more as background noise than to actually listen to the news. I think that the radio plays both a positive and negative role in today's society, as it gives us instant news, however the person speaking can be very influential and could very easily say the wrong thing. If I was ever going to listen to the radio, it would be Connect FM due to the type of music it plays.  

Newspapers used to be extremely popular, however due to the rise of social media where you can get news in an instant at the touch of your fingertips instead of reading yesterdays news, their popularity has diminished. Personally, I don't read newspapers because I find them quite boring and they only have a couple articles I like and I can much more easily just go online and look at the articles I find interesting. When I was younger, my dad and grandparents used to read the newspaper each morning, but now they all use the internet to find out the news too and only occasionally red newspapers. Newspapers tend to be quite biased, and each one  will usually have different or conflicting opinions on the same topic.

Music Videos
Music videos are still around today, however they aren’t quite as prevalent as they once used to be with the rise of streaming sites like Apple Music and Spotify. They tend to be used for promoting the artists song and to get more people to buy it, however they can also be used to promote different lifestyles or brands that the artist could be getting paid to advertise in order to make more money. This is usually done by making the video particularly shocking or attention-grabbing so that it becomes memorable. Some artists also use music videos as a way of expressing themselves rather than doing it just doing it for the money and increase in sales. One if my favourite music videos at the moment is ‘Honestly / Honestly (encore)’ by Gabbbie Hanna due to how she portrays herself and attempts to show the meaning of the song through dance. She is trying to get across the message that you shouldn’t blame yourself for the toxic and manipulative people in your life. I feel that this is a good message to put out there as Gabbie herself has been in in one these toxic relationships, and many of her followers would have been in or still is in one too, and it will help to make them feel less alone and like it’s not their fault that they are being compulsively lied to and manipulated.

Video Games
Video games are incredibly popular, and is continuing to grow through the use of the internet. Video games can be played as online games such as ‘Fireboy and Watergirl’, as apps on phones or tablets, or as the classic consoles like a Nintendo DS, a PlayStation, or an Xbox. When I was younger, I used to play online games a lot with my sister or friends, I also used to have a Nintendo DS where I could play games by myself or play multiplayer games and link up with my friends to play the game with them. Nowadays consoles like the PlayStation can be easily connected to a TV, and are very popular to play, in fact they have become so well liked that there are thousands of YouTubers that film themselves playing video games and are able to make money off of it. There is a gender bias against video games, with most people believing that the majority of the video game popularity is made up of males, when in fact there is an almost even split between the males and females in the community. Video games can play a particularly positive role in society by giving people a good way to meet new people and socialise online. However, as with anything, there are also negative aspects to playing video games as they can sometimes become quite addictive and get in the way of school work. There is also this false idea around games and that anyone who plays them or watches people play them will become violent, but if people become violent, its because of their nature and has nothing to do with video games.

Advertising is a great way for brands to sell their products or services to a wide audience. Adverts are seen everywhere on TV, on YouTube, on social media sites like Instagram and Facebook, and through celebrity endorsements. TV adverts are not the best way to try and sell your product or service anymore due to being able to easily skip through the breaks, however it used to be popular for children watching TV to sit through the adverts and point out everything you wanted and everywhere you wanted to go when it popped up on the screen. Celebrity endorsements are an incredibly popular way of advertising. They are used by either putting celebrities in adverts to get sales up, or by sponsoring big YouTubers to review their product or service in a positive way to influence their viewers to use or buy whatever it is that they are trying to sell in order to promote their product or service to get sales up. YouTube also puts also puts adverts in front of some videos or part way through them, which not only helps that YouTuber to make money, but also helps to promote the company whose ad it is. Social media sites like Instagram or Facebook are used a lot for promoted ads, they personalise these by looking at things you’ve previously searched for and putting them into your feed so that you see them periodically throughout your feed when you scroll through it. personally, I like adverts that my favourite YouTubers make because I trust that they will only accept a sponsored ad if they actually like what it is that they will be promoting. This is a video made by the YouTuber ‘Dodie Clark’ who made a cover of the song ‘I want candy’ by MIKA as a sponsored ad for the company Chupa Chups. This is one of the sponsored video ads that I like on YouTube because she took the time to make a video and record the audio of herself covering a song that is related to the product she is promoting. I like these types of sponsored ads because they are different and creative and more enjoyable to watch than just listening to someone talk about it for a minute or so.

Film is a very popular and current form of media, with a growing rise of actors, actresses, and directors. Films tend to be quite prevalent in most peoples lives, and they are a good way of immersing yourself into another world, much like books. A lot of books are also turned into films, like the iconic Harry Potter series, which can help bring the story to life for those who aren't too keen on reading. There are many different genres of film, the main ones are: action, adventure, comedy, crime and gangster, drama, historical, horror / thriller, science-fiction, war, and western. All films will fit into one of these broad genres , however many of them will be a crossbreed between two or more genres. Cinema's are a great way to show films on a big screen before they come out on DVD, which also means that they can make a profit by charging high prices to see before it comes out in shops for the public to buy. My favourite movie genres are either psychological thrillers or comedies.

The popularity of television has decreased due to the rise of sites like YouTube and Netflix. Not many people have the time or want to wait until the shows scheduled time and then watch it at that time. Now people have the opportunity to be able to record whatever shows they want and watch them at a time that it convenient for them, with the exclusion of certain events like the World Cup or a Royal Wedding, which you would have to watch it its scheduled time otherwise it would ruin the atmosphere. Similarly, with streaming sites like Netflix, you are able to watch anything that is on there at whatever time you want, and although a show might release a new episode each week, it is available for you to watch at any time you choose. Personally, I like watching shows on Netflix because of how easy it is to use,  however if I do watch scheduled TV it is usually reality TV like 'I'm a Celebrity'.

Magazines popularity have decreased, however they are still quite prevalent in today's society. Magazines tend to use lots of pretty, skinny women, who all have seemingly perfect lives. This gives viewers the image that they have to be an look exactly like those models, which in turn can lead to serious mental illnesses like depression or anorexia being developed. The magazine company Cosmopolitan have released a magazine which displays a 300lb woman showing off her body on the front cover. While they were trying to promote body positivity, the company has ultimately received a lot of backlash by putting model 'Tess Holliday' on their cover. The main criticism they received was about how they were promoting obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle, and has been compared to the dangerous and misguiding size zero models that are usually plastered all over magazines. However, as much controversy as this image has had, the rest of the magazine is filled with the same thin, flawless girls it usually is. Personally, I don't choose to read magazines, and would rather look at anything I would see in a magazine in my phone.

The Internet
The internet has become probably the most used source of media in recent years with it being used for just about anything, including research, chatting, and entertainment. It has become hugely important in most people's daily lives, with a record number of 90% of adults in the UK using the internet on a daily basis as of May 31st 2018. The internet can be used for many things, such as doing research for school or jobs, or as a source to be able to talk to family and friends no matter where in the world they are. It can also be used by celebrities to heavily influence the receiving public, as well as by companies in order to promote them, their product, or services. I tend to use the internet a lot on a daily basis for researching things for school or things that I find important, to chat to my friends, to watch videos on streaming sites like YouTube and Netflix, and use use social media sites like Instagram and Snapchat.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Learning New Skills

I can type in my blog.

I can add an image to my blog.

I can add a video from YouTube by embedding it into my blog.

I can add a hyperlink from my blog.

CLICK HERE to go to the Primark website.

Media Studies Induction Task

Why study the media?

The impact of media on young people

As a teenager today, it’s clear to see that the impact media is having on myself and my peers has both positive and negative effects.
Media is the main means of communication nowadays and can be broken down into three categories: print; newspapers, magazines and leaflets, broadcast; news bulletins and current affair programmes, the internet; online news sites and social media.
It is estimated that about 7,500,000 newspapers are sold in the UK each day.  The most popular newspapers are The Sun, followed by The Metro.  
Regular News bulletins are shown on the main TV channels each day. The most popular shows are BBC news at 10 and ITV news at 10.  The BBC pulls in on average 4.8 million viewers compared to ITV who has 1.2 million.
Media influence on young people can be deliberate as advertising can be directed at young people due to them being conscious of brands and images. For example; a popular media site, YouTube, features many bloggers, who advertise products and brands to their followers. One of the most successful bloggers is called Zoe Sugg, also known as Zoella. She has amassed over 6.5 million followers and as a net worth of £4.5 million.
However, media influence on young people can also be indirect.  Examples are the increased sexualisation of content in media products such as magazines, television shows and music videos.  Reality tv programmes also play a role.  Programmes like Big Brother, Love Island, X factor, Britain’s got talent and I’m a Celebrity all feature adverts in their breaks aimed at young people.
There are plenty of articles online about both the positive and negative effects the media has on us, particularly social media. 
A negative example is this, the case of Jessica Cleland, 19, who tragically took her own life in 2014, as published by The Daily Mail.
The night before Jessica took her own life her social media accounts were flooded with horrible messages & sentiments, two teenage friends of Jessica were identified by the coroner, however, they were not investigated by the police.
Coroner Jackui Hawkins said that Jessica’s death highlighted the impact social media could have on young lives “easy access to the internet on her phone meant she was exposed to potentially upsetting communications 24 hours a day; and she was able to return to, and re-read the upsetting messages at a later time & therefore appears to have continued to ruminate about them” the coroner reported.
In comparison, this Australian article from November 2017 highlights the positive impacts social media can have on teenagers.
The article suggests that 68% of teenagers claim that social media provides them with support during difficult times. 46% of teenage girls agree that social media empowers them to speak out about things they care about.  83% of teenagers say that social media makes them feel more connected to their friends.
In addition, the article identifies the following as being benefits of social media on teenagers: spreading kindness and social awareness, educational Benefits, real world skills, enhancing creativity, confidence and independence, interconnecting and identity, tolerance & diversity.
Clearly there are many articles & views both positive & negative concerning the impact of media on young people.  From my perspective I believe the rise in social media is a good thing, although, there should be a degree of caution & some responsibility put on the social media providers.  I’m also certain that having parents who are aware & understand social media can only have a positive impact.  One thing for certain is that social media is here to stay & the impact on our lives will become greater over the oncoming years.
In conclusion, media influence can be powerful if a celebrity role model says a particular lifestyle, product or behaviour is good. There are plenty of examples of celebrities whose lifestyles, values and behaviour provide positive examples. The hard work and success of these role models can be inspirational. I believe that the rise in media is a good thing, although there should always be a degree of caution with whatever you see online, on TV or in newspapers as not everything you read or see is true.